Pitch Planner is a Canvas that helps you create a pitch that truly meets your audience’s needs and generates the outcomes you desire.
Works with any topic, in any context. Proven with humans!
Audience comes first!
Don’t focus just on what you want to say to them. This hardly leads to outcomes. The pitch is for them, not for you!
Begin with the end in mind!
In a short-pitch, you need to include a long-term vision that connects what you want with what they need.
Why you?
Not everybody will know why you are relevant to deliver this message. Make it crystal clear in your pitch!
Don't forget your ask!
You’d be surprised how many speakers leave their audience literally wondering ‘what do I do next?
We believe that better communication will save the world!
Tell us how you plan to use the PitchPlanner and we will send it to you with premium content to help you design a winning pitch!
© PitchPlanner 2012 - 2022. Petr Adamek, Vanessa Clark, Matt Currie. All Rights Rserved.